Useful Resources

York's Local Offer

York’s Local Offer provides information on Special Educational Needs and Disabilities regarding education, post 16 options, health services, social care, parent and carer support, financial advice and more.

York SENDIASS (Special Educational Needs and Disability Information, Advice and Support Service)

York SENDIASS can help you understand support in educational settings and advise on a range of issues, your rights and the law, writing and seeking an EHCP or solving disagreements and helping when things go wrong.

Independent Provider of Special Education Advice ( IPSEA )

IPSEA is the leading charity in the field of SEND law, England, and provide free and independent legal advice and support to families of children and young people with SEND. Online legal guides, resources and template letters

Raise York

Through Family Hubs every family, child and young person are able to get help, information and support. It is a network of people, places and online support, which supports children and young people and families.

Social Prescriber

Are you struggling with your situation as a parent carer? Social prescribers can support you to manage the needs in your life and your own wellbeing. Click here to find out more.

CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service)

Did you know you can self-refer your child (aged 5-18) to CAMHS? This could be for autism or ADHD assessment or for any other mental health concerns. Click on this link for contact details and where to email a referral enquiry.

York Hospital Children's Centre

Click here for information about York Hospital's Children's Centre - meet the team, therapies, inpatient, outpatient, community care and more.

York Family Information Service

If you're not sure where to find information or answers to your questions contact York Family Information Service on telephone: 01904 554444; text telephone: 07786202241 or email: and an Information Officer will try and help you.

York Carers

York Carers Centre is an independent body that helps unpaid carers in York find the support they need. Carers provide regular help to a partner, child, relative, friend or neighbour due to frailty, physical or mental illness, addiction or disability.


Contact is a national charity which works to support families with disabled children. The website offers support and guidance for families and parent carer forums, in addition to the latest news on policy, campaigns and research.

Parent Support from CYC, Universal Offer

The Universal Offer outlines all training and advice available to families and professionals; the calendar is updated every term, and details are listed by month.